Note: it doesn’t say ‘All About Velvet’ just ‘About Velvet’. Therefore, you’ll be disappointed if you were expecting to find every nuance of my life, personality, and my vital statistics on this page. Or even a photograph.
Now we’ve got that out the way, let’s see. Varied hobbies, some I’ll do regularly, some I don’t. Photography is one, as you’ll guess from much of the content of the site. Writing is another, and that might make it onto the site at some point in the future. Others include things as diverse as sailing, music (both playing and listening), art, creatures, gardening.
Bit of a contrast to my working life, which is technical, within the communications/IT sphere. A change might be on the cards with that, so if you think you might be interested in employing an engineer with experience in the router/switch/wan/lan/telco areas, get in touch - Skype me!