The webcam may not be on all the time (it crashes sometimes, and doesn’t auto-restart) - but if it’s working, you should see a live video-feed in the window below. This webcam is more temperamental (and a lot older) than the others, being a Creative USB Webcam3. It has a cmos sensor, not a ccd like the PC-Cam 300 has, so the quality is a lot worse too. It’s a bit more liable to roam than the others, so could be pointing at the parrots, fish, me, or if I manage to get some more usb-usb adapters, another window.
It *is* fairly bandwidth intensive, so click the link to the left for a ‘Lo-fi’ version - timed ftp upload. If you only see a blank box, then the cam is offline, OR you’re behind a firewall that is blocking the ports needed for it to work - the timestamp on the lo-fi version will give you a clue which one’s the problem.